Life at GITAM has been far from satisfying. far from enjoyable. far from anything I experienced at school. I could list out a zillion reasons to hate this hellhole but 101 reasons can't be too few, can they?!
1. internet that's slower than a sick snail
2. power cuts - power only goes off when you're studying or LAN gaming
3. food - that even dogs would think twice about eating
4. winters without hot water - are we in college or survival camp?
5. watchmen - who think they're GOD as long as they've got a big gate to save them from our wrath ! x(
6. lecturers - who can't speak english and can't teach a subject and can't handle 60 students
7. subjects like environmental studies
8. field work - for environmental studies ?! oh well, atleast we got a look at the white tiger
9. control systems lab - SARASWATHI DARLING
10. dc machines lab - SARASWATHI DARLING
11. ac machines lab - SARASWATHI DARLING
12. people with a misplaced sense of self-respect and self-admiration
13. caste - who cares! !@#$%^&*(
14. zombie girls - in class ... they came, they sat, they left
15. cheats - uh....
16. weather - not really the college's fault, is it?
17. classrooms - yeah, great for 10 students, not bloody 65!
18. benches - that were carved by adam and eve
19. attendance - duh!
20. mids - all through the year and yet, so damn unimportant
21. principal - IIT my @$$ . madman escaped from a mental asylum
22. fines - as if the cash they're gettin ain't enuf!
23. dress code - wtf??? in college?!!!!!
24. on-campus doctor - INVISIBLE
25. bank - working times: during class hours
26. chiranjeevi - our 50 yr old dept. office 'boy'. thinks he owns the college. got neat plans for him :)
27. security uniforms - big mistake!!! they think they're the police
28. politics - dirrrrrrrrrrrtyyy politics
29. no football - what a waste of time studyin in this college
30. bonafide certificate - no issue cuz we're gonna misuse it !???? dumbf***s
31. transcripts - that are so 'genuine' universities reject them
32. letterheads - that are apparently mined at kolar... so precious
33. projector - one damn LCD projector for the whole effin' college???? Ridiculous
34. unity - we don't know what that means
35. studying like hell - books 24X7? not my style. seeing ppl like that makes me go crazy
36. boot cut pants - why be amitabh bachchan from 1971?
37. show-offs - well, you know
38. sports day - umm.... what's that?
39. cell phones - banned, of course. apart from that, they are an engg student's greatest weapon AND greatest bane.
40. parking - space for 400 bikes. 1500 bikes on campus ... can ikes climb trees?
41. gollapudi - crazy old bugger who's high on viagra pills
42. counseling - is it actually meant to be useful?
43. greenery - lesser by the day
44. printouts - ,!,, you! no prints here..get them done at home !
45. library - with no books, but a lot of fancy windows I'd like to break
46. no mascot - oh well, doesn't hurt
47. website - best ever !!! you can find phone numbers that are 4 years extinct
48. ragging - sadistic pleasures of engg students
49. murthy - our greatesshhht great college president who believes in utilising every space of land available to raise a new building
50. PD - most utterly useless classes, ever
51. vikram - the man with the golden touch.. er...no computer has ever survived him
52. drugs - sad sad sad
53. ego - you're only paid attention if you're a good bootlicker
54. BUTHULU - *****, *********, ****, ********, ************** *********, ***###***
55. road to the college - I dare you to hit 50kmph
56. time limit at nite - 10pm limit at a boys' hostel? no wonder the hostels aren't in demand
57.city sux ... boring
58. no extra curriculars
59. no culturals
60. waste of an auditorium
61. v r filth, chapatis r gods ... only a few can actually understand that bit
62. no college email address - which is embarassing
63. coach ... sorry... PT who is 60 yers old
64. bathrooms suck - like in every other college
65. water - water coolers rite beside toilets????????? where's the water comin from?!!
66. overpriced canteens
67. administration - couldn't give you 2 bytes of info if you paid them a thousand bucks!
68. ground sux - looks like an overgrazed field
69. gpa - damn it!!!
70. shankardada mbbs! jai balakrishna!
71. overcrowded by a 1000
72. partiality ... teachers ok, but office boy, watchmen?!! 11 11 11
73. alcoholics
74. cliques
75. want some info? - go see him-go see her-wait for him-go to her - wat crap
76. regional bias
77. pizza haters
78. no AC hahahha
79. projects
80. hypertension
81. bewarse
82. such a gr8 experience that no one feels bad abt leaving clg
83. first aid - absent
84. accidents - everpresent
85. tamil movies - are they actually made for people to watch?
86. ppl think you drink and do drugs cuz you're from hyd
87. only a handful - 10 - from hyd
88. buildings suck - hardly any maintenance
89. warden - the most useless word in a GITAMite's dictionary
90. who the hell r they to tel me how to keep my hair
91. the fact that i cud actually write down 90 things i hate in 15 minutes
92. the ground... not a playground.. juz ground
93. should not think about other companies if u want to atttend TCS, WIPRO, INFY
94. forgot the Lan administrator...
95. library issue timings....starts after classes and ends before them...
96. no parking near canteen
97. 96
98. 97
99. 98
100. 99
101. 100